New East Anglian Junior Chess Team
Recently, the 7th East Anglian Chess Arena took place. Online East Anglian Junior chess events have been running since January and typically feature a longer rapid play time format, giving players to focus more on their moves.
This 7th July edition was different because all players had to belong to a new East Anglian Junior Chess Team. Currently, the online East Anglian Junior chess events consist of players from Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Essex.
The top three places went to players from different counties:
1st – InkyMessyBath (Cambridgeshire)
2nd – HarryOscar (Suffolk)
3rd – NJ160105 (Essex)
Suffolk’s Koliyfl0w37 (8th), OliverRichards (9th) and JamesBlyth (10th), all finished in the top 10 places.
The next East Anglian Junior event will take place on Sunday 15th August at 10am.