2024 News
British Championship Underway
This year’s British Championship, in Hull, starts today. You can read more about it in Leonard Barden’s article in the Financial Times and follow the games live via a Lichess Broadcast. The first…
4th Bayern Munich “Reds against Racism” tournament
Recently, Suffolk Juniors teamed up with neighbouring counties to form an East Anglian team to take part in FC Bayern Munich’s annual Red’s against Racism online international chess tournament. Before the main team…
Suffolk finish 3rd in online J4NCL
Suffolk Juniors 1 were just half a point away from reaching the semi-final playoffs in division 2 of the online J4NCL (Junior Four Nations Chess League), season 9. Suffolk Juniors 2 had a…
Over-the-board success
So far this year, there have been a number of juniors who have entered in-person events, known as “over-the-board” or “OTB” events in the chess world. Some notable achievements include: Lenny Horn –…